Four creedsMerit in China
  • Fan Xudong    Company founder

    Fan Xudong (1883-1945) was born in Xiangyin, Hunan Province。Famous patriotic industrialist, the founder of China's modern chemical industry, the founder of the company's predecessor "permanent yellow" group。He graduated from Kyoto Imperial University in 1910。In 1914, Jiuda Refined Salt Company was founded,General manager and technician;1917 Founded the Wynn Soda Company,General manager;Then founded Qingdao Yongyu Salt Industry Company, Nanjing sulfuric acid 铔 factory,Jiangsu Dapu salt factory,Since then, the foundation has been based on salt,Acid and base are the cornerstones of modern chemical industry in China.1922 Huanghai Chemical Industry Research Society was founded,To serve as chairman of the board;1928 founded the "Sea King" ten-day issue;1934 first "four creeds" enterprise spirit。After the "July 7" incident, he led the "permanent Yellow" group to move west to Sichuan and create the West China Chemical Base, which strongly supported the Anti-Japanese War and retained the lifeline of the national chemical industry。In 1943, he proposed the "Ten Plant Plan" in order to develop the chemical industry after the war。He advocated science, the development of industry, respect for talents, pay attention to management, after ups and downs, to fight for the national chemical industry for more than 30 years。On October 4, 1945, he died in his apartment in Chongqing。毛泽东亲书挽联“工业先导、Merit in China”。

  • Li Zhanchen      Co-founder of the company

    Li Guanchen (1882-1968), formerly known as Hua 榗, was born in Yongshun, Hunan Province。Famous political activist and patriotic industrialist, one of the founders of China's modern chemical industry, one of the founders of the China Democratic Construction Association。In 1912, he entered the Electrification department of the Tokyo High School of Technology。In 1918, he worked as a technician of Jiuda Fine Salt Company, then as director of Yongli Alkali Factory and deputy general manager of Yongli Chemical Industry Company, and assisted Fan Xudong in establishing Nanjing Sulfuric Acid 铔 Factory。In 1938, he was in charge of the internal relocation of the Anti-Japanese War and commanded the safe evacuation of the group to Sichuan。1945年多次受到毛泽东接见。After his death, Fan Xudong served as a member of the National Political Council, deputy general manager of Yongli Chemical Industry Company and general manager of Jiuda Salt Company。After the founding of New China, he attended the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference。Successively served as a member of the Central People's Government, Vice Chairman of the North China Administrative Committee, Minister of Food Industry, Minister of Light Industry, first Minister of Light Industry;Member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, acting chairman of the Civil Construction Association, etc。He died in Beijing on October 7, 1968。

  • Hou Debang     Co-founder of the company

    Hou Debang (1890-1974), styled Zhiben, was born in Minhou, Fujian Province。World famous scientist, chemical expert, one of the founders of modern chemical industry in China。He received his bachelor's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1916。In 1919, he received a master's degree from Columbia University in the United States and a doctor's degree in 1921. In the same year, he was recommended by Chen Tiao-fu and invited by Fan Xudong to resolutely give up his tannery specialty and concentrate on researching alkali technology. In 1926, he produced qualified "Red Triangle" brand soda ash and won the international Gold Medal twice。In 1933, the English version of Soda Ash Manufacturing was published in the United States, which publicized the soda technology of the Solvay process that had been blocked for 70 years.In 1937, presided over the construction of the world-level Nanjing sulfuric acid 铔 factory;In 1941, the "Hou's alkali method" was invented, which opened up a new way for the world's alkali production technology and received attention from the international academic community。Successively served as director of Yongli Alkali Factory, 铔 Factory and Chuan Factory;General manager of Yongli Chemical Industry Company。After the founding of New China, he was elected as a deputy to the first National People's Congress and served as Vice minister of Chemical industry, making outstanding contributions to the development, construction and production of China's chemical industry。He died in Beijing on 26 August 1974。

  • Chen Tiaofu       Co-founder of the company

    Chen Tiaofu (1888-1961), styled Deyuan, was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province。Famous industrialist, chemical expert and educator。He graduated from Soochow University in Suzhou in 1916,Master's degree;In 1917, he and Fan Xudong successfully carried out small experiments on soda ash.He went to the United States for further study in 1918,Commissioned to design drawings and order equipment for Yongli Soda Plant in the United States,Recommend Hou Debang and other technical personnel;He returned with the drawings in 1919,Presided over Yongli Alkali Plant construction, equipment installation and process commissioning;In 1923, he focused on business management,Advocates an eight-hour working day,It occupies an important page in the history of our country's industrial management。In 1933, he made an investigation for Yongli Nanjing sulfuric acid 铔 plant and put forward some suggestions on site selection, which were adopted。From 1917 to 1937, he worked for Yongli for 20 years, successively serving as factory director, chief technician, manufacturing minister and laboratory director, making significant contributions to the cause of alkali production。In 1929, with the consent of Fan Xudong, he founded Yongming Paint Factory and became the king of paint in China。After the founding of New China, he served as vice president of North China Chemical Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and Vice president of Tianjin Institute of Chemical Technology。He died in Tianjin on December 25, 1961。

  • Sun Xuemu    One of the founders of Yellow Sea Chemical Industry Research Society

    Sun Xuemu (1888-1952), styled Yingchuan, was born in Weihai, Shandong Province。The famous chemical expert, the pioneer of China's application of microorganisms, the pioneer of chemical science and technology。In 1905, he studied in Japan and joined the Tongmenghui.He went to the United States to study in 1911 and received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1915。In 1922, at the invitation of Fan Xudong, he came to Tanggu, founded Huanghai Chemical Industry Research Association and served as its president。He hired famous scholars, freely selected topics, led technical personnel to solve production technical problems for Yongli and Jiuda, carried out microbial research such as brewing, developed China's first piece of metal aluminum, scientific research achievements, trained a group of outstanding chemical science and technology talents, and became the "nerve center" of the "permanent yellow" group.。He attaches great importance to knowledge promotion and popular science, and publishes research reports;During the period when the Anti-Japanese War moved to the West, he founded "Yellow Sea • Fermentation and Bacteriology"。After the founding of New China, it promoted the public-private partnership of Huanghai Society, and in 1952, Huanghai Society was taken over by the Chinese Academy of Sciences。Sun Xuemu has devoted all his life to the development of China's basic chemical industry。He died in Beijing on June 15, 1952。